Achievements - Academic Year 2009-2010


Certificate of appreciation as Student Council (OSIS) year 2007-2009
Yeah, I'm continue joining OSIS this academic year 2009-2010. 
It's fun and challenging. I learn how to work in an organization. 
Well, I  love to be the part of it:)

 Certificate of appreciation as LDKS (Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Siswa) participate year 2010.
To be the member of OSIS, we used to join this event. 
This even was held in 18th-19th February at Ubaya Training Center.
At there, we were trained as a leader. It's challenging and exhausting.

Picture above is my mid-semester 1 report card.

Pictures above are my semester 1 report card.

 This is my mid-semester 2 report card.*



3rd Place vocal competition by Harmony at Pondok Chandr Indah.

2nd place "Cheerful Celebration" photo action & genic 
competition by Din's Modelling at Pondok Chandra Indah

 ICAS 2009, lessons: Math, Science, and English.

InaYS 2009. Through this competition, my partner, Billy, and I were able to go to Bandung.
We were accepted as finalists by approving our research 
"Making Natural Insect Repellant from Seed of Lerak". We were accompanied by Ms. Karila.
We spent 3 days 2 nights there. Unfortunately we didn't win this competition, but we will try next year.

Below are some pictures of my journey in Bandung :
 Our last practice before. It was really cold:)

 When the presentation began.

 Our picture after the announcement. Glad we will make it next year:)

 Mandarin competition at UBAYA. 
I was joining this competition with Meta, my classmate last year. 
My other friends were joining the wall-magazine competition. Well, they won:) 
Unfortunately i didn't. Haha;)

  Christmas vocal competition at ITC.

 3rd place in photo genic competition "Pemilihan Miss JMP 2010" by Din's Modelling at JMP.

 Finalist "Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Se-Indonesia 2010" by UBAYA (Universitas Surabaya).
We - Dennis, Billy, and I - presented about "Tumbuh Sehat dengan Susu Kerbau (Bubalus bubalis)".

notes: * : there's still a mistake. Revised soon.

2009 26-Jul 3rd place vocal competition Harmony at Pondok Chandra Indah

2nd place "Cheerful Celebration" photo action & genic 
competition by Din's Modelling at Pondok Chandra Indah

Agustus ICAS participate in three lessons;
include math, science, and english.

17-Agust Finalist vocal competition at Food Festival

30-Okt 7th place scientific research competition InaYS 2009 
in Bandung : "Make Natural Insect Repellant from Seed of Lerak"

14-Nov Participate in "Lomba Cerdas Cermat Berbahasa
Tionghoa 2009" by Universitas Widya Kartika Surabaya

19-Des Finalist vocal competition "Voices of Angels"
in 15th-30th years old category at Supermall

20-Des Talented winner in Christmas vocal
competition at ITC

26-Des 3rd place Christmas vocal competition
at Royal Plaza by VVID
2010 10-Jan 3rd place photogenic and action competition
"Pemilihan Miss JMP 2010" by Din's Modelling

06-Mar Finalist "Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Se-Indonesia 2010"
by UBAYA : "Tumbuh Sehat dengan Susu Kerbau
(Bubalus Bubalis)"